Thoughts from Coimbra: the International Conference on Urban Health
Watching the thirsty Portuguese countryside slide past the windows of the train, it’s a good time to reflect on a few days at the...
The Cuban enigma: (fresh) air, obesity and happiness
I am recently back from Cuba – a country I've always wanted to visit. Despite ostensibly there as a tourist on a cycling holiday, I...
Mixing it up: cycling and public transport
Dithering about whether to cycle or take the train to a series of meetings in London tomorrow, I have a couple of ways to work out my...
Taking on the ‘social silence’ of climate change
Book review: Adam Corner and Jamie Clarke, Talking Climate: From Research to Practice in Public Engagement (2017, Palgrave Macmillan). A...
Bringing together health, cities and design
Sometimes, great thinking really does begin with a moment of Damascene clarity. Paediatrician Richard Jackson – today one of the leading...
Place - as children see it
Following on from my blog about the arts, health and place, I was delighted to come across these lovely posters, designed by local...
The arts, health, and why place matters
My life (like my website) is bifurcated into ‘health’ and ‘singing’, with today a rare occasion for the two to come together: an...
Whose Resolution?
Rule #1 of blogging on health on 1 January: talk about New Year’s Resolutions. Public Health England got ahead of the game this year,...